When and how is the electricity stored in BESS used?

Electricity stored in BESS can be used in a number of situations. First and foremost, to balance demand fluctuations and synchronize them with intermittent generation from renewable sources. In this function, they are also useful for regulating electricity costs: storing energy at times when the kWh cost is highest and releasing it when it is lowest incentivizes use during times when tariffs are cheapest, resulting in substantial savings for consumers. 

The benefits also affect the energy market and supply chain, whereby consumption is distributed more evenly throughout the day, avoiding overloading plants and the grid. This is known as "arbitrage" in the energy market.

Furthermore, storage systems are useful as backup solutions in the event of outages or to restart production in the event of a blackout. They can also be used to stabilize the frequency and voltage of the grid when distribution anomalies or imbalances occur.

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